刘伟, 钱高峰. 高突矿井瓦斯网状抽采与利用技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (9).
引用本文: 刘伟, 钱高峰. 高突矿井瓦斯网状抽采与利用技术[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (9).
Gas Net Drainage and Utilization Technology of High Outburst Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (9).
Citation: Gas Net Drainage and Utilization Technology of High Outburst Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (9).


Gas Net Drainage and Utilization Technology of High Outburst Mine

  • 摘要: 为实现煤炭开采过程中通过抽采瓦斯达到安全开采并利用瓦斯发电,实现绿色开采,达到抽、采、用等循环经济发展模式,最大限度地减少碳排放,平煤股份四矿通过建立网状瓦斯抽采系统,利用低体积分数(6%~10%)瓦斯发电,采用非电溴化锂机组矿井降温技术和超低瓦斯体积分数(0.2%~0.4%)乏风氧化技术,使矿井瓦斯抽采率达到70%,回采工作面回风流瓦斯体积分数由0.8%降低到0.3%~0.4%,安全系数提高了2倍,使矿井年利用瓦斯量达到780万m3,发电600万kW.h,相当于每年减少了碳排放9.05万t,实现了煤与瓦斯共采。


    Abstract: In order to have a mine safety mining with the mine gas drainage during the coal mining process and to have the gas uillized for the power generation, to have a green mining to reach the drainage, mining and utilization circulated economic development mode and to minimize the carbon emission, with the net gas drainag e system established in No.4 Mine of Pingdingshan Coal Mining Group, with the application of the low content (6% 10%) gas power generation technology, the mine tem perature cooling technology with non electric lithium bromide machine set and the ultra low gas content (0.2%0 .4%) ventilation oxidized technology, the mine gas draina ge rate could be reached to 70%, the gas content of the air return flow of the coal mining face could be reduced from 0.8% to 0.3%0.4%, the safety cofficient could be i mproved by two times, the mine annual gas utilization could be reached 7.8 million m3 and could be for 6 million kW.h, which could be equal to reduce the carbon emis sion of 90 500 t and the mine could have coal and gas mining jointly.


