徐春霞. 褐煤热爆特性及影响因素试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (7).
引用本文: 徐春霞. 褐煤热爆特性及影响因素试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (7).
xu Chunxia. Experimental study on characteristics of lignite thermal cracking and its influence factors[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (7).
Citation: xu Chunxia. Experimental study on characteristics of lignite thermal cracking and its influence factors[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (7).


Experimental study on characteristics of lignite thermal cracking and its influence factors

  • 摘要: 为提高我国褐煤的利用效率,选取呼伦贝尔、元宝山、乌兰察布、兴安盟、宝清褐煤为研究对象,以粒度变化率作为衡量热爆性的指标,考察了煤质、初始平均粒径、受热温度、水分对褐煤热爆性的影响,并研究了热爆后碎片的结构特性。试验结果表明:褐煤的变质程度不同,热爆性有较大差别;初始平均粒径越大,受热温度越高,褐煤的热爆性越强;水分是影响褐煤热爆的重要因素,150℃下干燥1 h后样品的热爆性与原煤相比可降低50%以上;褐煤在热爆过程中产生了大量新孔,褐煤的水分和挥发分越高,热爆后碎片的孔隙结构越发达。


    Abstract: In order to enhance the utization fficiency of lignit in China.taking the lintes samples from Hunbeist Yuanbaoshan Wulanchabu Xnganmeng and Baoqing Area as research subjects and chosing the change rate of paricle size as the measure idex of thermal cracking.the paer investigated the fFfects of ceal ank.nitial average paricle sze,heating temperature and moistre content on lignie thermal cracking.the stoucture characterisics of the debris afer themal cracking were aso studied.T'he results showed that lignite's therm al racking propery were cifferent with dfferent califcaion dege. The lager the nital average paticle s ze was and the higher the heating temperature w/as the stonger the thermal crackingoflignite waould be.The moisture contern of linte woas the majr factor afirced it thrmacracking aftr drying 1 hour at 150 0℃,the themal cracking of the samplecould be decreased by more than half compared with av coal. The linite produced a lot of new holes in th thermal cracking process the higher the moisture content and voatle content of lignie were,the more developed the porestructure of the debris aier thermal cracking would be.


