巨峰, 张吉雄. 复杂地质条件矿井矸石零排放处理技术与应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (8).
引用本文: 巨峰, 张吉雄. 复杂地质条件矿井矸石零排放处理技术与应用[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2011, (8).
Technology and Application of Coal rejects Zero Discharging Treatment in Underground Mine Under Complicated Geological Conditions[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (8).
Citation: Technology and Application of Coal rejects Zero Discharging Treatment in Underground Mine Under Complicated Geological Conditions[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2011, (8).


Technology and Application of Coal rejects Zero Discharging Treatment in Underground Mine Under Complicated Geological Conditions

  • 摘要: 为了将复杂地质条件煤矿矸石在井下处理,分析了煤矿矸石来源有掘进矸石、煤流矸石、煤层夹矸、切眼矸石和断层矸石等,提出了掘巷充填、硐室储矸和采空区充填的矸石处理方法,并在翟镇煤矿进行应用,实践表明:利用ZZ2600/13/20.5BC型充填综采液压支架实现采空区充填;含夹矸的工作面经采区煤矸初次重力分选和井底煤矸二次γ射线分选后,煤流矸石返运至工作面,利用抛矸带式输送机将煤流矸石充填于采空区内;在断层等地质构造带,采用预掘巷处理技术可将矸石运输至采空区进行充填。


    Abstract: In order to make a underground treatment of the coal rejects in the coal mine with complicated geological conditions, the paper had an analysis on the m ine coal rejects sources, including the mine gateway driving rejects, coal flow rejects, seam partings, open-off cut rejects, fault rejects and others.The paper provided th e coal rejects treatment methods, including the backfill of the gateway driving, the rejects storage in the chambers and the backfill of mining goaf.The coal rejects treat ment method was applied to Zhaizhen Mine. The practices showed that the ZZ2600/13/20.5BC mode hydraulic powered backfill support could be applied to realize the C oal rejects backfill in the goaf.After the coal rejects from the coal mining face had a primary gravity separation in the mining block and the secondary y-ray separation, t he coal rejects flow would be conveyed to the coal mining face and the coal rejects dumping belt conveyor was applied to backill the coal rejects in the goaf.In the fault and other geological structure zone, the gateway pre-driving technology could be applied to convey the coal rejects to the goaf for backfill.Zhaizhen Mine could realize t he coal rejects treatment of 1 million t annually in the underground mine.With the coal rejects treatment technology applied in the underground mine, the surface coal re jects dumping system was fully dismantled.


