柯春培, 严家平, 徐胜平, 童柳华. 祁南煤矿小型断裂构造复杂程度与褶皱变形研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (5).
引用本文: 柯春培, 严家平, 徐胜平, 童柳华. 祁南煤矿小型断裂构造复杂程度与褶皱变形研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (5).
Study on Complexity of Minor Crock Structure and Folding Deformation in Qinan Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (5).
Citation: Study on Complexity of Minor Crock Structure and Folding Deformation in Qinan Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (5).


Study on Complexity of Minor Crock Structure and Folding Deformation in Qinan Mine

  • 摘要: 为查清祁南煤矿101采区煤层赋存情况,在对地质勘查和开采条件系统分析和统计的基础上,应用分形理论对101采区地质构造断裂网络进行复杂程度评价,并讨论褶皱平面变形系数与断裂分形维数的相关性。结果表明:101采区西部中段及东北角断裂构造复杂程度以复杂到极复杂为主,采区的西北、东南角断裂构造复杂程度主要为简单到中等;对比研究了采区内褶皱平面变形系数与断裂分形维数之间的关系,采区西部中段及东北部的褶皱平面变形系数大,断裂构造的分形维数同时增大,采区西北与东南部褶皱平面变形系数小,断裂构造的分形维数同时较小,二者变化趋势具有一定的相关性。


    Abstract: In order to investigate the seam deposition conditions of No.101 mining block in Qinan Mine, based on the geological exploration and the systematic ana lysis and statistics of the mining conditions, a fractal theory was applied to the complexity evaluation on the geological structure corck network of No.101 mining block a nd to discuss the relativity between the deformation coefficient of the folding plane and the corck fractal dimension value.The study results showed the complexity degre e of the corck structures in the middle of the west part and the north east part of the mining block would be complicated to very complicated mainly and the complexity d egree of the fracture structures in the north west and south east area of the mining block would be simple to medium.The comparison study was conducted on the relati onship between the deformation coefficient of fold plane and the crack fractal dimension within the mining block. The deformation coefficient of fold plane in the middle 0 f the west and the northeast of the mining block was high, the fractal dimension of the crack structure was increased, the deformation coefficient of fold plane in the nort hwest and southeast parts of the mining block was small, the fractal dimension of the crack structure also was small and the variation tendency of the above two coeffici ent would have certain relevance.


