

Analysis on Energy Efficiency and Environment Feasibility of Coal Indirect Liquefaction to Oil

  • 摘要: 以规模400万t/a的煤炭间接液化(煤制油)工厂为模型,选择火力发电这一目前我国应用最为广泛的煤炭利用途径作为参照系,分别从煤炭综合能源效率、固废处理和回收利用、耗水量及废水处理和排放、SO2处理和排放、CO2捕集和封存(CCS)等方面分析了煤炭间接液化制油的能源效率和环境可行性,论证了煤炭间接液化制油是一条综合能源效率更高、更为清洁的煤炭利用新途径,为以后CO2捕集、封存和利用的实施提供了参考。


    Abstract: Based on a coal indirect liquefaction (coal to oil) plant with four million ton of coal per year as a model, taking the coal-fired power generation of the mos t wide applied coal utilization accesses as the references, from the coal comprehensive energy efficiency, solid waste treatment and recovery utillzation, water consump tion, waste water treatment and drainage, SO2 treatment and emission, CO2 collection and sealing, and others, the energy efficiency and environment feasibility of the coal indirect liquefaction were analyzed.The analysis showed that the coal indirect liquefaction would be a new access with higher energy efficiency and more clean coal utilization and could provide the references to the CO2 collection, sealing and uillization in the future.


