

Design and experiment of mine azimuth gamma logging instrument while drilling

  • 摘要: 为满足煤矿井下顺煤层钻进地质导向的现实需求,设计开发了随钻方位伽马测井仪,可为钻进地质导向工程提供地层伽马参数。在分析煤矿井下随钻测量的工况特点及伽马测井原理基础上,从硬件、软件及结构几个方面,设计并实现了可同时探测上下2个方向的伽马参数的随钻方位伽马测井仪。通过在地面勘探孔及煤矿井下实钻孔中进行了该仪器测试,测量数据稳定、结果可靠,在不同放射性地层,伽马测量值差异明显,且钻遇分界面时上下层伽马测量值呈现规律性变化。结果表明:该随钻方位伽马测井仪满足随钻测量的抗震、抗扭及耐水压要求,上下伽马测量结果可服务于地质导向工程、指导顺煤层钻进。


    Abstract: accoding to the practical demand of the geologica guidance to the rlling along the seam in the underground mine, an azinuthganmma logging tool while drilling was designed and developed and could provide strata gamma parameters to the geologic guidance engineering With the analysis on the measured performance features while drling in the underground mine and the natural gamma logging principle,fom the hardware software and structre aspecs,an azimuth gamma logging to while drllng to delect the upper and lower drectional gamma parametrs was designed and realized.The intrument tests were conducted in the surface exporation hole and the real hole in the underground mine.the measured data were stable and resuts were reliable. n the difrent radioactive strata,gamma measured vaueswere diferent obviously nd the top and low gamma measured values would be varied reguiarly during the driling operation in the boundary secion.The results showed tat the azimuth gamma logging nstrument whiledriling could meet therequirements of s isnic ftorsion and water pressure of the measurement wrile ling. The top and low gamma measured results could serve the geologic guide engineering and guide the drilling along the seam


