

Design of Construction Organization for Mine with Annual Production Over 10 Mt

  • 摘要: 基于千万吨矿井建设的复杂性和不确定性,为确保矿井建设总工期和建设质量,以井巷施工为核心,地面建筑和机电设备安装为辅助的原则,提出了2个施工组织设计方案。方案一,岩巷掘进速度为100 m/月,煤层平巷为200 m/月;方案二,岩巷掘进速度为120 m/月,煤层平巷为550 m/月,同时有10个掘进工作面施工,其中含3条煤巷。综合施工进度指标、提升和运输水平以及国内技术现状等因素,论证分析得出方案一更为科学合理,并采用方案一指导现场施工作业。


    Abstract: Based on the complexity and uncertainty of the mine construction with an annual production of 10 Mt, in order to ensure the total mine construction perio d and construction quality, taking the mine roadway construction as the key and taking the surface building and the electromechanical equipment installation as the sup plementary principle, two construction organization design plans were provided. The heading speed of the mine rock roadway would be 100 m per month and the driving speed of the mine seam gateway would be 200 m per month.As for the second plan, the heading speed of the mine rock roadway would be 120 m per month and the dri ving speed of the mine seam gateway would be 550 m per month.Meanwhile there would be 10 driving faces in construction, including three seam gateways. With the co mprehensive demonstration and analysis on the construction schedule index, hoisting and transportation, the domestic technical status and other factors, the first plan would be more scientific and rational, the first plan was determined to guide the site construction operation.


