姜福兴, 魏全德, 姚顺利, 王存文, 曲效成. 冲击地压防治关键理论与技术分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (6).
引用本文: 姜福兴, 魏全德, 姚顺利, 王存文, 曲效成. 冲击地压防治关键理论与技术分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (6).
Key Theory and Technical Analysis on Mine Pressure Bumping Prevention and Control[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (6).
Citation: Key Theory and Technical Analysis on Mine Pressure Bumping Prevention and Control[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (6).


Key Theory and Technical Analysis on Mine Pressure Bumping Prevention and Control

  • 摘要: 基于50多个煤矿的防冲实践总结,介绍了13个冲击地压治理的关键理论和相关技术,并重点阐述冲击地压治理的成套体系中的开采前危险性评价、开采设计方案优化、开采前危险区的防冲预处理、开采过程中监测预警、开采过程中的危险区解危、解危效果检验、工作面安全管理、防治经验总结等8个重要环节,并提出在实践方面需要建立防冲的组织体系、技术体系、管理体系和闭环式的工作流程,且在技术方面需做到在冲击地压危险区进行"强卸压、强监测和强防护"的防冲技术。


    Abstract: Based on the practice sammarization of the mine pressure bumping prevention and control in over 50 mines,the paper introduced the key theory of 13 mi ne pressure bumping control and the related technologies. The paper stated the eight important links of the risk evaluation before the coal mining operation,optimization of the mining design plan,the pre-treatment of the mine pressure bumping prevention in the risk zone before the coal mining operation,monitoring and early warning duri ng the coal mining process,danger relieving of the risk zone during the mining process,inspection of the danger relieving effect,safety management of the coal mining fa ce and prevention and control experience summarization in the completed set system of the mine pressure bumping control.The paper provided the organization syste m,technical system,management system,closed loop working process to be established in the mine pressure bumping prevention and control from a view of the practice s.A mine pressure bumping prevention technology with enhanced pressure releasing,enhanced monitoring and measuring and enhanced prevention should be conducte d in the mine pressure bumping danger zone.


