喻希乐, 许光泉. 潘北煤矿灰岩间水力联系探查连通试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (10).
引用本文: 喻希乐, 许光泉. 潘北煤矿灰岩间水力联系探查连通试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2013, (10).
YU Xi-le XU Guang-quan, . Connected Experiment Study on Explore Hydraulic Connection Between Limestones in Panbei Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (10).
Citation: YU Xi-le XU Guang-quan, . Connected Experiment Study on Explore Hydraulic Connection Between Limestones in Panbei Mine[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, (10).


Connected Experiment Study on Explore Hydraulic Connection Between Limestones in Panbei Mine

  • 摘要: 为探明潘北煤矿井田内主要断层的导水性、阻水性以及太原组C31组灰岩含水层与寒武系含水层之间的水力联系情况,采用连通试验方法,即从寒武系观测孔内注入碘化钾KI示踪剂,在试验放水巷道放水点进行采样测试,分析示踪剂浓度随时间变化特征,结果表明:寒武系灰岩水仅与C3下1组灰岩含水层存在局部水力联系,而与C11、C21灰岩含水层无水力联系,同时验证了寒武系灰岩水是通过不同大小的导水断层对C3下1组灰岩含水层进行补给的,灰岩露头区的F1、DF1均为导水断层。


    Abstract: In order to explore the water flow and the water resistance of the main fault in the Panbei Minefield as well as the hydraulic connection condition betwee n the C31 Group limestone aquifer in Taiyuan Group and the Cambrian system limestone aquifer, the connection test method was applied and a KI tracer was injected i n the Cambrian system observation borehole. Then the sampling and measurement was conducted at the water discharging point of the water discharging trial gateway and the variation features of the tracer concentrations were analyzed with the time passed. The results showed that there was only local hydraulic connection between t he Cambrian system limestone water and the bottom of C31 group and there was no hydraulic connection between the C11 and C21 limestone aquifers. Meanwhile it W as proved that the Cambrian system limestone water were refilled to the C31 down aquifer with different size water flow faults and the F1 fault and DF1 fault in the lime stone outcrop zone were water flow faults.


