

Feasibility analysis and practice of constructing plain reservoirs in high underground water mining subsidence area

  • 摘要: 针对我国高潜水位矿区中普遍存大面积积水的问题,为了更好地兼顾水资源与采煤沉陷地土地利用,改善沉陷区生态环境,基于目前沉陷区平原水库建设存在的问题,从技术和经济2方面探讨了构建平原水库的可行性。在此基础上提出了构建采煤沉陷地平原水库建设的流程与模式,并以安徽淮南张集煤矿采煤沉陷区为例进行了平原水库建设的实践案例分析。研究结果表明:主动式平原水库建设能更有效提高复垦耕地率、增加水库库容,节约水库建设成本,具有良好的推广与应用前景。


    Abstract: Water area are widely scattered on the ground in high underground water coal mining area. In order to give consideration to both water resource and min ing subsidence land utilization, and improve the ecological environmental condition, the feasibility of constructing plain reservoir in subsided land is discussed from asp ects of technology and economy, according to literature review and field investigation.Furthermore, the framework, process and model for reservoir construction in minin g subsidence induced water area are proposed. And a case study of the practice of plain reservoir construction in the coal mining subsidence basin of Zhangji Mine in H uainan, Anhui Province is carried out. The results show that the active plain reservoir construction can improve the land reclamation rate, increase reservoir capacity an d save the reservoir construction cost, and has a good prospect and application prospect.


