李化敏, 蒋东杰, SydSPeng, 冯军发. 放顶煤液压支架承载特性及其适应性分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2015, (6).
引用本文: 李化敏, 蒋东杰, SydSPeng, 冯军发. 放顶煤液压支架承载特性及其适应性分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2015, (6).
Li Huamin Jiang Dongjie Syd S Peng Feng Junfa, . Analysis on loading features and suitability of hydraulic powered caving supports[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015, (6).
Citation: Li Huamin Jiang Dongjie Syd S Peng Feng Junfa, . Analysis on loading features and suitability of hydraulic powered caving supports[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2015, (6).


Analysis on loading features and suitability of hydraulic powered caving supports

  • 摘要: 通过对两柱、四柱式放顶煤液压支架支架结构特征分析,研究了不同工作阻力两柱式放顶煤液压支架、相同工作阻力两柱和四柱式放顶煤液压支架承载特性和其影响因素,并对液压支架适应性进行分析。研究结果表明:液压支架的结构特性决定其承载特性,两柱式放顶煤液压支架平衡千斤顶机构决定其有效承载范围在顶梁柱窝附近,增大立柱和平衡千斤顶的工作阻力能增大其承载能力,但通过增大平衡千斤顶工作阻力改变支架承载能力有限;四柱式放顶煤液压支架两排立柱与顶梁铰接位置决定其有效承载范围与立柱排距相当,增大前柱工作阻力降低后柱工作阻力能提高支架顶梁前段支撑能力,使支架有效承载范围前移;液压支架承载特性决定其适应性。平衡千斤顶能适时调节两柱式放顶煤液压支架顶梁上顶板荷载作用的位置,使其能适应一般综放工作面,但特厚煤层大采高综放工作面顶板荷载受顶煤放出影响作用位置多变,易导致平衡千斤顶损坏,四柱式支架有效承载范围较宽,使其能适应特厚煤层大采高综放工作面。


    Abstract: With the analysis on the structure features of the two-leg hydraulic powered support and four-leg hydroulic powered support, the paper studied the loadin g features of the two leg powered supports with different resistances and the two leg and four-leg powered supports with the same resistances as well as the factors aff ected to the loading features of the powered supports. Also the paper had an analysis on the suitability of the powered supports. The study held that the structure featur es of the powered support decided the loading features and the balance jack mechanism of the two leg powered support decided the effective loading scope near the m ain roof support bottom, and the ability of the two-leg shields to contral the roof can be increased by raising the capacity of the hydraulic cylinder and balancing cylinde r, but the way of balancing cylinder enhance to increase capacity of shields was limited. The articulated location between the two row legs and canopy of the four-leg po wered support decided the effective loading scope same to the leg row distance, to increase front leg resistance and to reduce the rear leg resistance could improve the support capacity at the front section of the support canopy and could make the effective loading scope forward. The loading features of the powered support decided th e suitability. The balance jack could timely adjust the loading role location above the powered support canopy and could be suitable to the general fully mechanized top coal caving mining face. The roof loading location above the high mining height fully mechanized top coal caving mining face in ultra thick seam would be multi varied b y the influences of the top coal caved and could cause the failure of the balance jack. The wider effective loading scope of the four-leg powered support could make the suitability.


