裴晓东, 张人伟, 马伟南. 高瓦斯易自燃采空区瓦斯与煤自燃耦合模拟研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (4).
引用本文: 裴晓东, 张人伟, 马伟南. 高瓦斯易自燃采空区瓦斯与煤自燃耦合模拟研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (4).
airflow reversal; natural wind pressure;intake main shaft; mine ventilation;, . Advanced control method and theoretical analysis on reversed airflow of mine main shaft in winter[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (4).
Citation: airflow reversal; natural wind pressure;intake main shaft; mine ventilation;, . Advanced control method and theoretical analysis on reversed airflow of mine main shaft in winter[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (4).


Advanced control method and theoretical analysis on reversed airflow of mine main shaft in winter

  • 摘要: 以高瓦斯易自燃111811综采工作面采空区为对象,研究了无抽采和瓦斯立体抽采条件下采空区瓦斯抽采治理效果及与浮煤自燃的耦合影响。通过建立理论模型,结合现场观测,计算得出了分段渗透率范围并建立了采空区渗透率三维控制方程。模拟结果表明:无抽采条件下,采空区瓦斯积聚严重,在可能自燃带范围内存在瓦斯与煤自燃共生致灾危险区,必须加以处置;而在采用了采空区留管及高抽巷等瓦斯立体抽采措施后,有效治理了采空区瓦斯积聚问题,抽采负压4.5 k Pa时,上隅角处的瓦斯体积分数降至0.5%,满足要求;可能自燃带范围内的瓦斯体积分数下降至0.48%~4.69%,有效消除了瓦斯与煤自燃共生致灾危险,保障了安全生产。但瓦斯抽采作用会造成采空区漏风量增大,可能自燃带范围扩大,采空区自然发火危险性有所增加,应加强观测。


    Abstract: Acording to the readily occurrence of airiow reversal in winter which was ificut to prevent and control in main intake shaf of cal mines in China,theeffect of natural wind pressure on airfiow status in main shaft as analyze thoreticaly: n combinaton withthe mine cas e,the cauises faificw feversalocured in main shat in winter were discussed by measuring and analzing the change of natural wind pressure between intake shatis and the advance control method ofthis phenomenonwas alsoresearched. The resuts showed that with the decreasing of atmospheric environment temperature the average temperatr diference between intakesthatis with diferent heat souce ditiribution was increased gradual y.which resulted in he accumuilation of natural wind pressure and further caused the aifiow reversain main shat in winter .The matho d of montoring intake shafisair temperature and wind speed in real time and regulating the volume of hot air for heating intake shafswas put forward. This metaod was easy and fe astble, and coud decrease thearfovw temcerature diffrence betwee intake shatis and make the main shat's aifiow state changed in one hour. Using this method,the main shaft's airfiow reversal could be prevented and contrlled conveniently and effectively


