Dynamic Sectional Control Technology of Surrounding Rock in Gateway Driving Along Goaf Forward to Mining Face
Graphical Abstract
In order to solve the difficult problems of mining and excavation replacing tension in single wing mining mine of Shenhua Mengxi Mining Area, the site ob servation and numerical calculation method were applied to the study on the space-time effect of the overburden strata movement and the surrounding rock deformation in the gateway driving along the goaf forward to the coal mining face.The logistic functional relationship between the roadway surrounding rock deformation and the dist ance of exstracting coal face at the heading adajacent advancing coal face stage, the exponential functional relationship between the roadway surrounding rock deform ation and the distance of excavation roadway at the roadway driven along next gob stage were revealed.Based on the circumstances, the driving time and support para meters of each section gateway were determined and adjusted.A dynamic section control principle of high resistance support, dynamic monitoring and measuring, secti on control, coal sidewall consolidation and roof stable control and the dynamic section control technology of section bolt/steel mesh/anchor/beam combined powerful su pport, a narrow coal pillar grouting reinforcement at the key section, single prop and π steel beam enforced support roof were provided.The site practices showed that t he deformation of the gateway roof and floor as well as the two sidewalls were all less than 900 mm and the deformation failure of the gateway driving along goaf forwa rd to coal mining face was effectively controlled.