Study on pyrolysis characteristics of bio-briquette
Graphical Abstract
in order to explore an efisent utiliation way for low rank pulverized coal abic-brquette was prepared with a lon fiame pulverized coal and biomass,and its pyrolysis behaviors were investigated by a thermal gravinetic analyzer and a fived bed reactor and were compared with those of the raw oal.The resuts shovw tat the briouetie is easier to be decomposed, and it temperature to the maxinmun weightlos at is lower than that of the raw oa . The activation energy of the brqcete pyrolysis process is higher t han that of the raw cal when the weightloss rate is ouwerthan 560%/ the temperature is o wer t han 503 ‘C) whie the steuation is opposiwhen the temperature exceeds 503 C. The activation energies ofoiquett and raw coal pyrolysis are mainly itrbuted in 23~ 300k ' mol and 150 ~ 250 k J /mel especivly it's more favorable for the bricuette pyrolysi tofom liuid product under relatvely low temperature and to fom gaseous product under relativ ly igh temperature. The compostion of the gas prodct from briouete pyrolysis is sinilar with that from the raw coal except that the content of COp .which is almost . 5 times morethan that of the raw coal.