New technology and development of mine informatization and automation
Graphical Abstract
The paper introduced the nine personnel positioning,.mine laser methane monitoring and control wireless ransmission of the mine sensor and portable nstrument,mine optical fiber ditibution and temperature measuring.remote montoring and control of the ful mechanized coal mining face overide trip prevention of he mine electric power suply system,MWIF1、3cG and 4c mine moble communcation,mutimedia mine rescue communication and other nev fechnology. The paper powded the intelligent cal mining.intlient transportation.coal mine big data, mine intenet of things wsion of the mine machinery5e mine mobilecomuncationminerado safety.automatic guidance of mine robot and mine rescue rot montoing and measuring ofthe lleal coal mining prevention mine visibe igh comunication/svisibe lght communication caroon monoxidelaser sensor.inteval of the optical fiver laing for the mine fre disaster montoring and measuring in the gcaf and other key scientific technical problems to be solved in urgent.