Study on monitoring and early warning technology of mine pressure bump disaster
Graphical Abstract
in order o rationally select the montoring and early warning method to igh efi ently prevention and control of the mine pressure bump.with the engineering and lierature investigation,theoretcal nalysis site practices and other methocd.the paper analized and summarzed the featres infuencefactors ocurence me:hanism,montoring warning means and others of the mine pressure bump occured in China.T7he resutshowed that the most pressure bunps ocurred in the mine roadway within a faiure scope of 90 ~150 m.The higher mine seismic energy value and the distance more closed to the mine roadway and mining face.the igher posiliy ofthe pressure bunp occured would be.The occurence mechanism of the mine pressure bump would generall be the resuts of the statistic stress concentration and mine seisnic cynanic intererence superpostion role. The monitoring early warning of the mine pressure bump would be mainly based on the two aspects of the statistic sress fild and the seismic dyanic fed a single mornioring method could be hard torealize an acurate prediction of the mine pressure bump and the combined multi methods and the multi parameter comprehensive monitoring early warning technology of the seismic dynamic field and stress feld would be scientific