Effects of hypophosphite inhibitor on change law of reactive groups in coal structure
Graphical Abstract
in order to grasp the hypophosphite ihibtior mechanism for coal combustion.and understand the change rule of microstoucture in the pocess of oxidat in of coa by using Fourier ransform infrared specromer,the inrared spectra of the coal samples with the inhibior agentreated with th addtion ofaluminum hypopoosphite and sodium hypophosphitewere analyzed.Through studying the molecular microsopic structure changing charactersics before and afer the process of oxidation inhibiorthe paper analyzed the resistance effect of aluminum hypophosphie and sodum hypophosphite on coal at lvw temperature: The resutshowed that using mhibitor for coal in oxidation heating process.three kinds of acive groups oxygen containing functional groups,aromaics hydrocabons and faty hydrocaon played a ole of inhibior in the coal structure containing oxygen functional groups played a major role aromatit hydrocaioons played a secondary role and fna y the alithatie hyrocarons. with increasing oxid ation temperature,RCH3 groups and R2CH2 groupoxidation reaction ctrvty wa diferent,the resistance effect of hypophosphit initbior was obvious in the early stage of heating up.and had no inhiblior effectater over a certain temperatre.the oxygen containing functonal group -C一O was kept theinhibitor function to some extent.