Inspection and application of blasting and pressure released technology to mine pressure bump prevention and control
Graphical Abstract
in order to further improve the information identification and pick up difiulties before and afer the pressure released during the mine pressure bump prevention and control prcess with the basting pressure releasing and the status of the low pressure releasing effciency.based on the electromagnetic radiaton principe of the energy released,according to the mine pressure bump features of Yangcun Mine in combination with the mine engieeing geological contions and the blastiog parameters th eleceromagn etic radiaton method was appied to monior and measure the pressure released with the basting . With the sie est and the montoring and measuring on the electom agnetic radiaton strength and puise number i ndex,the electromagnetic radiation law and each index variation law tefore and after the blasting pressure released were obtained. The resutis showed tat the elecromagneic radiation index.especily th srengh index could efectvtly fed back the varaton law of the elastic energy before and aftr the blasting pressure relea sed and the index could have the guidance function to set up the blasting pressure released location and the blasting strength.The site engineering practices obtained excellent inspection effect.