Study on coalbed methane surface development and production potential of low rank coal in China
Graphical Abstract
in order to deeply studly the coalbed methane suriace development potential of the low rank coal in China,the isthermal adsoption experiment combined with the quanturm chemistry caculation nethod,the numerical sinu ation means of the coalted methaneresevofr and engineeing applcaion and practiceresulis were applied to the deep study and discussion on the low rank coal suriace gas production mechanism and potentai in China Theresuls showed tht athough the cabd methane content from the low rank coal as ow and due to the gas desorption capacity was high a lage pecentage gas desorption outaut could be possihle during the water discharging and prssure releasing period.Meanwile due to the high sean thickness and good seam pemeatiltythe surace drainage would have a igh gas production potential. n Tongchuan Block there were four surace coalbed methane est ells with a stable gasproduction over 10.1 m~s3 per day.An industral as fow from the coalbed methane well n the low rank seam was ealized inChina and could veritfythe coabsed netane surace developmen inth lov rank ceal i t a agh potential. Thus the development step should be speeded up and the development force should be enhanced.