Study on water quality in Shendong Mining Area affected to stability of emulsion
Graphical Abstract
According to the complicated water quality in Shendong Mining Area and big water quality difference problem in different mines, a test analysis was cond ucted on the water hardness, p H value, sulfate, chloride ion and others of 40 mine waters and individually discussed and study the total hardness, sulfate ion and chlor ide ion concentration of the mine water quality and artificial water quality affected to the stability of three type emulsion products. The discussion and study results show ed that the too higher total harness and sulfate ion concentration of the mine water all would have unfavorable influences to the stability of the emulsion. When the total hardness of the artificial water quality reached at 700 mg/L or the sulfate ion concentration reached at 1 000 mg/L, both would cause the stability unqualified of the emu Ision. When the chloride ion concentration was not over 400 mg/L, a less influence would be caused to the stability of the emulsion. The study results would provide the technical support to the rational selection of the emulsion for each mine in Shendong Area.