Simulation study on hydraulic-mechanical coupling adjusted by electro-hydraulic proportional of coal shearer
Graphical Abstract
acording to the present cuting drum liting adjustment of the coal shearer was conducted by he liting acdjustment system with the on of alve the li.tng adjustment dynamic features of the cutting drum was poo,the conirol accuracy was low and cther problems existed. The closedloop li.tig adjustment systen contrled with the electrc-hydrauic proportional valve was applied to a thin seam shearer.Under the ADAMS and MESim envronment indivdually a dynanics model nd a electro-hydrauic proporioaliting system model of thecoal shearer virual prototype were estabished. In consideration of the cutting load infuence,a hydrauili-mechanioal coupling simulation model of the cal shearer liting system was ctull sablis hed.Based on thecicumnstances a simulation stutdy was conduced on the dynamic eatures and conrol features of the closed lop liting system controld by the electro-hyraulc:proporional valve.The simulatio resuts showed that based on PlD,theclosed looplifing adjustment system controlled by the electro-hydraulc proporional valve could realize the tracking control of the pre-setrack.When the ranging armwas dowward adjusted. cbious vibration phenomenon would be occured.An one-wvay throtle valve set in the main oil circuitat a side ofthe no rod chamboer would remarkably improve the phenomenon.but the vibration could not befully eliniated. furtheriy cne-way damper added to the direct drwving type proporionaldrectional control valve could reduce the valve spool shocked during ranging arm downward adjusted and could improve the stailiy of the valve spool opertion and the fow conrolability at the small opening location.