Contrast research on catalytic gasification characteristics of different catalysts on Zhundong Coal
Graphical Abstract
in order to understand the rule of catalytic gasication characteritics of Zhundong Cealat the low temperature of 750 ℃.based on the determination of the appropriate Co_2 gas fiow;coke mass and paricle diameterthe dfferential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetic analyzer were use to analyze the gasifiction characteristices of Zhundong Coal with slight catalys at low temperature under diferent loading modes The experimental resuts showed that Zhundong Cal finishedgasication atlow temperature under the acion oftrace amounts of catalyst.and with the increase of catalyt,.the reaction rate was accelerated and the catalytic efiectwas stronge:. The dfferent catalyst loading modes caused difrent cata ytc effectforcalctum hydroxide catalyticefiect rom strong to wealk as foll ws.igh temperatue and high pressure method was the best.imersion method was worse ,grinding nethod was the worst: fo potash grinding methd was the best igh temperature andhigh pessure metod was worse inmersion meliod was the worst.wih the same catalystloading mode, when the catalyst mass fraction wasless than 1.70%,calciumhydroxide was betea than potash, whie potash vas beter than calctum hydroxide when the catalyt mass racion was less than was probably related to such factors as the active sites of coal.