Design and application of transient electromagnetic detection system on mine surface ground and in underground mine roadway
Graphical Abstract
in order o enmich the monmioring and measuring means of the minegeologicaldisaser nd to vecome te de:tionlmiation of the conwentondl fransent elc:romagne e method apierdto the mine urac r to the mine oadway transentelectomanetisdercto s stem on the imesurace and in the mine oaorway was povded.Based on the muti component tansent elecromagetisdec:ton fechmology and withthe bus networkthe system coud rea-fimly rasmthedete1edata rom the muri measing poins o the mine urace ost computer o tateatment an anaysis The GENES.S64 sotware was aple to set upthe 3D isualted and remotea.essig parform to conduct thedala disay and thedsuses aly aning /n combiratonwiththe PLC and the feld bus techmogythe key poblems ofth cock sychroniztion andthedl trastio were soled an th reivng device andth upe compter sotware weredesign.d.The resuts showedththestem coudtrealrzeth mine geological dele:ion and the minedisaster eaity vaning cud fetily impove th mime sa ey managementan the emegenc rescue level.