Fire prevention and extinguishing local grouting technology research of non-power combined pumping station in underground coal mine
Graphical Abstract
in order to prevert cal spontaneous combustion in underground coal mine,pased on analysis of work characteristics of pneumatic diaphragm pump andwater et pump.the non-power combined pumping station forfre prevention and extinguising local grouting techmnology were put forward.Akccording to the requirementsconbinaton mode and type oftheloca goutig pumps were identifed. The maximun ransmission distance of combination pump was calculated,technical process andgrouin system conigu ration of combined pumping staton were given.The caculaton model of shorest length pipe for conecting combined pumps was establis hedThe reseach resuis showed non-pawercombined pumping station which was constructed by poneumatic diaphragm pump and water jet pump.could maintain the characterstics ofbriefness porabiltysafet Mfeanwhile,the non-power combined pumping station could solve difcut problems.suth as automatic and contiuous pulping lon.distance sury conveying.,maintaining outlet pressure The maximun ransmission distanceof sury conveying coud reach 189 m ofpipe diameter 50 m which was bout 1.6 times of neumatic dlaphragm pump.T he non-power long distancelocal grouting 'echmology was suitable to prevent coalspontaneous combustion area in underground coal mine.