Experimental study on KBr and kl modified vanadium and titanium steel slag applied to remove Hg~0 from coal-fired flue gas
Graphical Abstract
in order to furthr improve the HgO adsoption and removal perfomances of the vanadium and tanium steel slag- the solid wastes,an immersion method was aplied to metify and make the Kr anadium and tanium see sag and Kl anadiunm an tanum teel slag adsobents and the XRS and SEiMl characterzation;were appied to the fived adsorption bed to study the reaction termperature,802,02 and H2o in the fue gas and the modfier oading quantty afcted to the HgO removal ficiency.The resuts showed that thereacion temperatue increased would obviously improve theHgO removal eficiency and accumulated adsorption volume.The adsoroent with a 3% loading of k.the Hg0 removaleticiency would be the bet.Under the temperature below 2 ℃,the ma .ticiency of the Hg0 removed could be 97.9% and afier three hours of the absorpton,the adsorption volume would be 163.4 pg g.s02 and H20 would restrain th adsorpion ofHg0 and O2woud obviously aomote the acsorption of Hg0.The KBr and 'Kl lading volumes coud improve the removal of rg0 and the adsobents coud load 10% Kir and 3% Kidivicual l when ttemperature reached to 120 C.the Hg0 removal eficiency wcauld maxieall reach at 735% and g0. % indidcally Afer three hours ofth asopion.the accurmulated absorption volume would be 114.1 and153.1 ug / g individually.