Fault diagnosis technology of hydraulic powered support based on multilevel data fusion technology
Graphical Abstract
in order to improvt the fult iagnosis techmogy f the lyoeaulic powered supors and o promoe the ntelirent techmolgy development of th fll mecanzed coal min face bsedo tha anayis nthe:comon falres ifth lyrauli powered suportsthe comon falires were dvifedinto thegrades Alayout lan of the status menitoing nd measuing sesorson the hydaulic powered supports were desiged A.coding to the tre grade rilres the outut das of thesersos shoud have adee fusonjncudngthedale ly rfsonte fadure lyr fision and thededison la erfsion and the ful lanosis metod ofth liyraulic poweredsuports was provied basdonthe mitierel da afuson tet oy An based onthe AMESi sotareplatom,th flur simulaton model was esabished and the efrt:tive erficatonwas conducted on the dagnosis mehod Theresailt showed tathedagois mehodcoudirealrethe efiectvedanosis onth falue of he hyorauli powered suppots th dagnocsis esuiscoud te igh rl abe,th real time woud be igh and the dagnosis resutscud fitivelyredu:e tefilre deetion and repair time of the equipment applied in the coal mining face.