Mechanism and application of excavation,support and bolting continuous parallel operation in
Graphical Abstract
in order to solve the rapid heading problems based on a boom type roadheader with individual rock aills.based on the boom type roadheader,the pape introduced and boling continuous parallel operation techniqu to form a constouction fechrical s ystem with a excavation support and boling continuous parallel operaton. Theste est method was appied to measuring and teststudy on roof bed separation and surrounding rock anchoring performances when heading and anchoring of mine roacway were separated. The resuts showed that when a pre-construction of four bolis made in roofthen additionalboits and anchors were pt beyond temporary supporis and there was no obvicus o bed separation occured. Under the difrentfreroof distane,the anchoring peromances of bot and anchor could met separation requirements of excavation and anchoring. The temporary supporis determined could meet requirements of excavation and suppor separation operation. A continuous sef moving type raid heading and support device and a and boling coninuous parallel cperation technicue were developed and were mainl ineuding drlling exploration.excavation and cal cuttng temporary supor.boting operation of the heading face.the boft and anchor seting beyond heading stage loading dust control and othe procedures. A ite est was conducted in dipar returning gateway ofunderground mine at Lu an Zhangcun Mine.After the new and oting continuous paralle operaion applied, a month rate was 745 m,the suppor efiect was excellent and heading efic ency was improved over 65%.