Study on mechanism of powered support jammed and roof falling in fully -mechanized coal mining face
Graphical Abstract
Accoding to the powered support jammed and roofalling accidents ocured in the face equipment remove stage ofNo.52304tuly-mechanized coal mining face in Dlita Mine, aite measurement umercal sinmulaton and theoretical analysis were appied to studly on accident causes and the prevenion and control counermeasures. The study resuts showed that ue to the infuences by the specal remove technique,the adjustment gateway set along the perpendicula to the coal mining face direction would cause the coal stress concentration coficient too high .and would cause lage area spalling occure at the cros section betwee the coal mtning face and the adiustment gateway and fnally due to the face front distance over the critical value would cause the roo falling at the face front area.Meanwihile du to the mesing fore lost, the broken rock blocks would highy rotate and cause the powered suppor anmed.Thus the roof conition would be further worse and under the suport resistance insuficient of the powered suppor in No.52304coal mining face serious powered support jammed and roo falig acidents ocured still Thevefore the relevant prevention and control countemeasures were proposed,the enhanced surounding rock suppor inthe adjustment gateway,the optimized layout of th face equipment remove gateway,the mesh pavement selected at the strata not pressurized period and othe measures were appietothe prevent and conrolof heaident occurrence.The equipment safety remove from No.52303 coal mining face was verified.