Study on drilling depth detection technology of underground coal mine
Graphical Abstract
According to the driling depth decion problens fron the qu lity inspecion of the borehole drlling constructio in the underground mive in conmbination with the diferences of the driing construction technology and thed ilig pipe structures.the paper stated the updated technical achievements on the rapid dectionand verification of theadilig depth in the underground mine, including the sonic and low pressure puise refe ction method to detect thedrling pipe length in the borehole was applied to determine the a llig depth and the muti sensors set on the driling rig to realtime monior and measure the parametersoftheariling rig were applid to calculate the depth of the borehole. The paper pointed out the basic principle suitable perormances nfuence factors dvantage and disadvantages of the two detection methods could ealize the rapid dection and verification of the borehole depth.T he paper proposed that the combination ofth tvo detecion methods coud bemore reliable and accurate to realize the target of the bore depth detection.