Technical progress of water resource protection and utilization by coal mining in China
Graphical Abstract
water shortage is a giobal problem.China is one is one of the most shorage countries in the wortd,the dstribution of coal esouce i everse towater esource,which makes protection and uiliization of water resource become more importnt. estern China has become majorcoal producing ress in where ecoagical environment is fragile and evaporation is quite large. The discharged mine water evaporation is major reason fo loss of illin tons waer per year in China.The recent:echniques and engineering aplications on protection an utilization of water resouce by coal mining are summaized and analyzed, and coal mine underground resenoir is frstly proposed by Shenhua Group Corporation Linied based on the breakthrough technological oncept of mine water storage an tliiato ing a and some echnical problemts,.including water rescurce predction.reservoir ste selection,eservoir capacty des ign.dam contouction.safely guarantee waer qul赳t: control are sowe in almost 20 years of techmncal exploration and engineering practic .Lastlythe whole theor framework and technolgical system is established.The coal mine underground reservoir as been applied in Shendong Mining Area, and is popularzing to other mining areas in the western China. The techicue s a feictive way to the protection and utilization of underground water resource by coal mining.