Experiment study on anaerobic microbial degrading methane adsorbed by raw coal
Graphical Abstract
In order to study the degradation functionof the anaerobic microbes to the adsobed methane of the solid coal an enrichment purification and seprationwas conducted on the anaerobic nethane oxidizing bacteria of the high efisent degraded methan.Based on triaialstressepage testdevice an anaerobic microwdegradation methane experiment and analysis system were prepared underthe sinmulated insitu caldeposition enironment.During the experiment poc.ss ith the quanttative and continued control and the loading on the axal pressure and surounding pressure,the microbes bacterial liquid were ighy prssurized and nijected into the solid coal samples and could be evenly dffused and dis ribued in the coal mass Before and afer the experiment.the methane adsoption reducion and caroon dioxide increment of the cal were analyzed and calculated.The results showed thatwithin the suounding prssure of 1 ~5MIPa and the aial pessure of 1.5~7.5MPa, ih the loaded axial pressure and surrounding pressure increased.the degradation metane eficiency with the anarobie microes and the caroondioxde prodietion were llincreased evenly.The methane degrac ation rate was increased from 24.22%to 36.43 % and thecatbon dioxide production was inceased from 58.34 cni-3 to 102 m-3.The increased value of the carbon dioxide production was lower than the reduction value of the met ane and the cause could be related to the resical hydrocarnon generated in the degradation methane process.