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Lyu Junxin Zhao Hongyu Liang Xinxing Li Yuhuan Song Qiang Wang Xinwen Shu Xinqian, . Study on oxygen adsorption and kinetic of weakly reductive bituminous coal[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (8).
Citation: Lyu Junxin Zhao Hongyu Liang Xinxing Li Yuhuan Song Qiang Wang Xinwen Shu Xinqian, . Study on oxygen adsorption and kinetic of weakly reductive bituminous coal[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (8).

Study on oxygen adsorption and kinetic of weakly reductive bituminous coal

  • in order to understand the rule of ow temperatureoxidation of weakly reductive coals in the natural environment and prevent the coal spontaneous combustion in deep mine on high temperaure oxygen adsorption experiment wit adfferent carier gas velocity and the knetic parameters were analyzed and calculated based on Hani and Llingwu weakly reductive biuminous coals( Hami and Lingw biuminous coal were dencoted as HM and LW respectively) were caried out with a fixed bed reactot Theresuls showt that compared with the volume frction of oxygen in the carier gas i 25%, when the volunme fraction of oxygen is 15%, he oxygen consumption of LW and HM coal sample are obviously larger. when the temperature reaches 160 C,the volume fracion of cutet oygen in fied bed is 7.71% and6.41%respectivly. or HMl coal sample as the temperature increased to 100 ℃C.the adsoption content of oxygen in coal sample also graduay increase bu at the moment,the oxygen content in the caier gas has itle ifuence on the conent of oxygen in cal sample.compared with raw coal deminfralzed coal samples and higher drying temperature of cal sample have larger specific surace area,and the specific surace area of HhM coal sample is greater than the LN coal sample and the acivty of oxygen adsorption is greater than the LW cal sample,which leading to the volume fraction of oxygen in the outle ofixed bed oflM/ cal sample is smallea than L/lcoal sampleIn aditon.when the carrier gas fow rate i decreased,the amount of oxygen adsopion in coal sample is larer chen the cariergasfow rate is 4 m L:mi.the ciation energy of HM and denineralized HI-D cal sample is mininmunm.and the spontaneous combustion tendency is maxinun at tis time .When thecarergasfiow rete is 80 m L/ min,the activation energy of LN and LW-D coal sample is mininum,and the activation energy of demineralized LW-D is greater than the Lw.
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