Surface movement law of underground wide strip mining under super thick loess layer and parameter optimization
Graphical Abstract
in order to effectiv ly control the novement and deformation of the surtace to protect the buidsing on the surface,to ensure the mining rate of the coalresouces and to minimize the infuencesof the mining damage,the paper study the surface movement lav of the underground mining under the tick lces ayer with an aplcaion of the wide stio mining plan.based on the mining geological co dtion in Binchang Mlining Area as the engineering background. with a nethod to distribute the monioring points in the surace in the mining combination with the site obseved and measured data i Tingnan Mine and the theoretica analysis on thedata.the paper stated the surace movement law of the deep mining depth wide stip mining in a deep mine and provided the imporant prameters of the surface ground movement and deformation in Binchang Mining Area T'he main infuence radius was 295 m,the tangent value of the main infuence scope angle was 1.93.the surace ground subsidence scope was 3 43 m and the boundary angle was 58.96 . wen the probatilit inegral and Wwlison Theory were appied to calculate the mining of several stip mining faces in the mining area and the optimun marched caculation method of the coa pillarwiath and mining wicth a rationalstrip mining parameters were obtaned based on the coordinated mining principle. 'he results showed that the surace movement parametrs obtained fom the stuay were appied to the production practces with a good effect and the ground movement parameters obtained would have a certain reference value to the mining area.