Progress on coalbed methane development technology in China
Graphical Abstract
over the past 20 years,great breakthrough has been made in CBM development in China,and played an imporant role in guaranteeing coa-mine saeyand alleviating energy pressure.CBM development history and curent sitation in China were revie ed.Progrss and 'rend ondriing.rcturing production and numerital simulaion technologies in China's CBM development were summaized: diversifid and complicated well ypes huger frcturing scale nteligentized producton and puralstic liouic.Key points in future CBM development in China were proposed which are poduction maintainin and enmhancing techmnologes for hig h-rank coalreservoirs.drlling and fracturing technologies for mid-rank coal reservirs key exploration and production technogies fr ow-ank coalresevoirs and key productie techrologes for sot and low-ermeablitycal reservoirs.The CBM development in China is tll in early stages.fces many chall nges and necds further innovation and breakithrough.