Study on grouting reinforced technology of roadway affected by dynamic pressure
摘要: 为了解决大采高工作面留巷难的问题,采用现场巷道变形及钻孔电视观测,对巷道变形规律及煤壁破坏区域进行研究,提出分层次注浆方法,确定了合理注浆时机。工业性试验结果表明:巷道煤壁受采动影响由外向里依次形成了完全渗流区(0~3 m)、定向渗流区(3.0~6.4 m)、渗流屏蔽区(6.4~8.1 m)和原岩渗流区(8.1 m以内);采用层次注浆法能够有效解决漏浆问题,提高钻孔注浆量;浅孔注浆时机选择在工作面前方24~58 m的初始变形阶段,深孔注浆选择在工作面前方7 m到工作面后方18 m的变形速度减缓阶段。现场工业性试验表明,注浆加固段的两帮移近量最大为448 mm,未注浆段最大为811 mm,巷帮注浆加固效果明显,为留巷提供有利条件。Abstract: in order to solve the roadway retained difiut problem of the high cutting coal mining face.the borehole T/V observation on the sie rcadway deformaionwere applied to a study on the roadiway defomation law and coal wall alure zone. A layer grouting metnod was provided and a rational groutig opporunity was set up.The industral ral resutshowed that nfuenced by the mining operations,the roadway would form fill seepage zone( 0 ~ 3 m)directional seepage zone( 3.0~ 64 m).seeage shieided area( 6.4 ~ 8.1 m) and insitu ock seepage zon1e( within 8.1 m) insequences from the exemnalto interma Tmhe layer grouting method could beapplied to sove the grout leakage problem efe ctively and coud improve the grouting volume of the borehole.The grouting opportunity of the shallow borehole could beseleced at an ntial deformaton stae from 24 ~ 58 m in the front of the coal minin face and the grouting opporunity of the deep borehole should be selected at the adefomation veroctyretarding stae fron 7 m in a front ofth cal mining faceto 13 m at the rear of the coal mining face.The sie industial tial showed that the convergence ofthe two sidewalsat the grouting reinforced section was 448 m in max and the conwvergence ofthe two sidewalis at the no grouting section was 11 mm in max.The grouting reinforcement effect of the roadway sidewalls was obvious and could provide favorable conditions to the roadway to be retained.