陈尚斌. 页岩储层微观结构及其吸附非均质性研究评述[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (6).
引用本文: 陈尚斌. 页岩储层微观结构及其吸附非均质性研究评述[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (6).
Chen Shangbin. Study review on microstructure and adsorption heterogeneity of shale reservoir[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (6).
Citation: Chen Shangbin. Study review on microstructure and adsorption heterogeneity of shale reservoir[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (6).


Study review on microstructure and adsorption heterogeneity of shale reservoir

  • 摘要: 针对当前我国页岩气产能和产量还极为有限的现状,为正确评估页岩气储量,揭示页岩气赋存富集规律,系统阐述了制约和影响页岩气吸附性的储层微观结构及其吸附非均质性研究进展。分析认为,我国页岩气资源潜力和开发前景可观,但投入与产出尚不匹配,页岩气产量存在巨大的区域和井间差异性,规模开发仍面临困境。页岩气的吸附性是形成气藏的最关键因素,受到微观地质因素及其非均质性控制;产能和产量的局限性反映出对我国页岩储层微观结构及吸附非均质性本质规律认识不清。未来研究应注重页岩气赋存富集的地质过程,重点在页岩储层微观结构量化及其非均质性特征研究,储层微观非均质性与吸附非均质性的内在关系、页岩吸附机制,及其对页岩气富集规律影响的研究等方面,以期为页岩气富集区带勘查提供科学依据。


    Abstract: At present,China shalegasprodution capaity and production rate are limited.In order to conductively and accurately estimate the shale gas reservesnd to reveal the enrichment law of the shale gas depostion.the papersystematcally stated the resevoir micro structure restricted and infuenced to the shale adsoption and stated the study progress on the adscrption heterogeneit .T'he analysis hed tat the potential and develcpment prospect of the shade rescuces in China wauldbe considerable,but the input and output could not be matched yethe shale gas production had a great aiference betwvee the regions and wells and the scale development would tll have great dificulies. An adsoption would be the key to base fom the sale gas reservoir nd woud be highycontrlld bythe micro geological factors and heterogeneity. The lintation of the production capacity and production rate could refect that the micro stoucture and adsopion heterogeneit roperty law f theshale resevir in China were notrecognized.The future stucy should note the enrichment geocgical procss of the shale gas depositin and the key stuty would be on the micro structure quantzation and the heterogeneityfeatures.T'he studly on the internal relations betwen the micre hetrognsty and the adsopio heercgeneltand others were conducted in order to provide the scientific basis to the survey of the shale gas enrichment law.


