鲍永生. 特厚煤层综放工作面智能控制关键技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2020, 48(7).
引用本文: 鲍永生. 特厚煤层综放工作面智能控制关键技术研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2020, 48(7).
BAO Yongsheng. Study on key technology of intelligent control in fully-mechanized top coal caving face in extra thick seam[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 48(7).
Citation: BAO Yongsheng. Study on key technology of intelligent control in fully-mechanized top coal caving face in extra thick seam[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2020, 48(7).


Study on key technology of intelligent control in fully-mechanized top coal caving face in extra thick seam

  • 摘要: 煤矿智能化开采是实现我国煤炭工业高质量发展的核心支撑技术之一,特别是占我国煤炭产能比例最大的中厚及特厚煤层实现智能化开采意义重大。针对综放智能化成套设备系统可靠性、跟机自动移架及智能放煤可控性与放顶煤煤岩识别准确性三大特厚煤层综放工作面智能控制技术发展制约因素,提出了供液系统的多级过滤智能控制技术、综放工作面液压支架记忆放煤技术与放顶煤煤岩识别技术三大关键技术。并在同煤集团同忻煤矿8202工作面进行了现场工业性试验,该工作面通过集成综放自动化控制系统,实现了采煤机22种编辑状态下的智能程序割煤、支架智能跟机、智能放煤、视频智能监控和智能集成供液等系统的融合,实现了巷道和地面调度中心的远程集控智能化控制和人工干预,突破工作面年产量1 000万t以上,工作面回收率达到87%以上,吨煤耗电量小于9.1 kWh/t,产值达到46.5亿元,利润达到5.0亿元,实现了特厚煤层综放工作面智能控制关键技术的突破性进展。并针对8202工作面在工业试验中就存在的问题提出了解决办法。该研究成果对提升高端重大装备适用性研究与实施效果形成示范经验,对我国煤炭行业快速发展具有重要的现实意义。


    Abstract: Intelligent mining in coal mines is one of the core supporting technologies for achieving high-quality development of China's coal industry, especially the realization of intelligent mining of medium thick and extra thick coal seams, which account for the largest proportion of China’s coal production capacity.In view ofthe three major constraints on the development of intelligent control technology for fully-mechanized top coal caving face in ultra-thick coal seam, the automatic movement of the machine and the controllability of the intelligent coal caving and the identification accuracy of the top coal and rock, the development of the intelligent control technology for the three-thick coal seam fully mechanized caving face was proposed.The system's multi-stage filtration intelligent control technology of the liquid supply system, the hydraulic support memory coal mining discharge technology of the fully-mechanized caving face and the top coal and coal rock identification technology were put forward.On-site industrial tests were carried out at the No.8202 working face of Tongxin Mine of Tongmei Group.The working face realized the intelligent program cutting of coal in 22 edited states of the shearer, intelligent follow-up of the support through integrated fully-mechanized caving automation control system.The integration of systems such as intelligent coal discharge, intelligent video monitoring and intelligent integrated liquid supply have realized the remote centralized intelligent control and manual intervention of the roadway and the ground dispatching center, breaking through the working face with an annual output of more than 10 million tons and the working face recovery rate reached more than 87%, the power consumption per ton of coal was less than 9.1 kWh, the output value reached 4.65 billion yuan, and the profit reached 500 million yuan.It has achieved an innovative breakthrough in the key technology of intelligent control of fully-mechanized caving face in extrathick coal seams and put forward solutions to the problems existing in the industrial test of No.8202 working face.The research results have a practical significance for improving the research and implementation effect of high-end major equipment applicability, accelerating the mechanization, informationization and intelligent level of coal mining in China, and have important practical significance for the rapid development of China coal industry.


