高岳, 王档良. 化学注浆防治立井二次涌水透明土试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (6).
引用本文: 高岳, 王档良. 化学注浆防治立井二次涌水透明土试验研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术, 2016, (6).
Gao Yue Wang Dangliang, . Transparent soil experiment study on chemical grouting prevention and control for secondary water inflow occurred in mine shaft[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (6).
Citation: Gao Yue Wang Dangliang, . Transparent soil experiment study on chemical grouting prevention and control for secondary water inflow occurred in mine shaft[J]. COAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, (6).


Transparent soil experiment study on chemical grouting prevention and control for secondary water inflow occurred in mine shaft

  • 摘要: 为了研究立井工作面化学注浆浆液的扩散机理,采用新型透明土模型及无损光学观测技术,并设计了化学注浆模拟装置,利用激光与CCD相机完成了透明土模型内部的渗透注浆过程可视化。图像结果显示化学浆液在重力作用下呈"梨形"扩散,即垂向扩散距离大于横向扩散距离,与传统"球形"扩散理论有所不同。以在建的核桃峪煤矿立井为例,依据模型试验结果提出了化学注浆治理立井工作面二次涌水的注浆孔设计方法,即偏安全考虑减小群孔间距。工程施工结束后,整个井筒工作面涌水量由施工前大于30 m~3/h降到小于3 m~3/h,堵水率达90%,达到了防水堵漏的要求。


    Abstract: in order to study th ciffision mechanism of the chemical grouting for the coal mining face in the underground mine.a new ransparent sol model and nondestructive opical observation technodlogy were appied. A chemical grouting sinmulaton device was designed and the laser and CCD camera were appied to completethe visulization of the penetration grouting process of the ransparent sil model.Tthe image resuits showed that under the role of the gravitythe chemical grout woudbe difused in a pear shape,the verica difision distance would be longer t han thelatera dfifusion distance and would be different to the conventional al hape dfuson theory. Based on a mine shaft in construction of Hetaoyu Mline as a case,according tothe testresuts of the nocdel agrouting borehole design method vas providedwith the chenical grouting to conrol the secondary water infow of the working face in the mine shaft and the space distance between the group boreholes was reduced.After the engineering construction completed,the total water iflow of the mine shat wirking face were reduce from over 30 m -3/ h before the constution to 3 m3/ h and the water sealing rate was 90%. The requirements of the water prevention and eakage sealing were reached and could ensure the mine shaft sarety


