Density and Particle Size of Low Metamorphic Coal Affected to Grindability and Energy Consumption
Graphical Abstract
The Hardgrove grindbility index Measuring Meter and the laser particle size analyzer were applied to measure the grindability index and the ground part icle size distribution of the four different particles and the four different density low metamorphic coal samples from a coal-fired power plant. The energy consumption m odule was applied to measure the energy consumption during the grinding of the different coal samples. The paper analyzed the particle size and density features of the coal samples affected to the grinding features.The results showed that when the particle grade was same, the density would be highly affected to the grindability index value, grinding energy consumption and ground particle size distribution.When the density grade was same, the grindability index value of the coal sample with the parti cles of 1.25~ 0.63 mm would be max.The ground energy consumption of the coal samples would be increased with the particle size increased, but there would be a ltt e relativity between the ground particle size distribution and the raw coal particle size.